The redirected water pushes up the blue maintenance alert on the top of the filter, signaling that the filter needs to be cleaned. When this happens in Tidal filters, water is redirected around the filter and back into the aquarium through an outlet on the side. Maintenance alert: Over time, filtration media can become clogged with detritus reducing or obstructing the flow of water through it.A bottom-to-top flow ensures that water comes into contact will all filter media, and cannot go around or over filter media as with hang on back filters with a back-to-front flow. Bottom-to-top flow: The pump pushes water up into the basket of the filter, entering through the bottom of the basket and being pushed out the top.Ventilation slots: Ventilation slots in the lid of the filter and aeration grooves in the outflow ensure that water returned to the tank is fully oxygenated and maximize gas exchange during filtration.No mess maintenance: The basket is fully removable and snaps into the lid of the filter for easy and drip-free transit to a sink or hose for cleaning.

All Tidal filters come with Seachem's Matrix bio-media to get you started.

It is easy to maintain and economical to run in the long term because the filter media can be rinsed or replaced with after-market media. Seachem Tidal 110 HOB (hang-on back) filter pump cleans the water surface (removes floating debris and fish oils accumulates), while also purifies the water deeper in the tank. Seachem Tidal 110 Aquarium Power Filter (SC-6524)